Looks likes a Lady(bug)

S.E. Fairbanks
1 min readAug 29, 2021

A ladybug.

So small.

On many days I never would have seen it.

My eyes would have been focused on the road ahead, or else on my feet, attempting to keep from tripping on a rock or stepping into a puddle of mud.

On this day, however, my eyes were looking at the leaves of the trees lining the road to my right.

And that is when I saw her.

The lady in red…and black.

She was beautiful…and didn’t seem to mind sharing the moment with me.

There are so many small little beauties all around us.

But we must stop to see them.

A ladybug on a leaf.

A smile in passing.

A word of encouragement.

A helping hand.

They are there for us to receive…and to give.

If only we will slow down and notice.

Thank you for reading! — S.E. Fairbanks

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S.E. Fairbanks

If I must err, let it be in the direction of love. I am a man in process of being perfected in love and growing in Christlikenes. DoEverythingInLove.com